Saturday, April 16, 2011

Half a Day

I am declaring today half a day seeing as how it is half over [since I have been up since 5:30am], ran a half marathon in my basement (thank goodness for my treadmill and AT40 since it is POURING rain all day), lifted legs at the gym (half of my body got some workout today!), and have eaten 4 meals already (ha!). This morning was a break from the usual veggie frittata and hazelnut coffee, and I opted to have protein pancakes (from scratch) with Director Doc (they were banana and walnut) and chose the Strawberry Shortcake DD coffee flavor (not my fav):

The cool thing about these protein-packed pancakes is that there are leftovers that we "doggie-bagged" and froze for quick breakfasts on the go and/or snacks. Great strategy!

The Other Half of the Day:
Rainy drive to Tyson's Corner mall. We hit up Barnes and Noble to check out some new reads. It was packed--the weather and the fact that it is Saturday are to blame. After dodging eager shoppers and playing our version of frogger with the kiosks, we left the mall and headed home.

We rented The Fighter (yes, we are behind the times on movies and trying to catch up) for this evening and will probably be feasting on leftovers to clean out the fridge and make room for more goodies . . .

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